Terms & Conditions

Payments & cancellations
Payments can be made by debit or credit card, or cash, which is payable after your treatment has finished. I have a 24 hour cancellation policy after which you will be liable for the full amount if no notice is given. I completely understand that cancellations cannot be avoided sometimes, and that life can throw up unexpected events. Just let me know if you can’t make it. I run a very small business offering treatments only on a Saturday, so it is important that I maximise my time in order to accommodate my other patients.

If you’re running late, just let me know and I will do my best to provide a complete treatment for you. I may have another patient booked after you so I cannot compromise their time.

I do not claim to cure any particular condition, because in my experience every case is unique, and every patient responds differently. Therefore, it should be appreciated that I can give no guarantee as to the effectiveness of any treatment offered. 

Using this site
The information presented in this site is designed to help you make an informed choice about my services. Although I intend the information to be accurate and clear I cannot guarantee the content to be free from errors. 

This site contains links to external social media platforms which fall outside of our jurisdiction and as such I can take no responsibility for the content, products or services found on those sites.

If you are unhappy in any way about any aspect of the service you have received, please email me [link] in the first instance so that we can try to resolve any issues. You may take any issues further by contacting my registered body, the ATCM who will be able to guide you further.